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Dear Friends,

The Roller Strategies experiment is over!

After 3 years and 4 months we are powering down, washing up the test tubes, and airing out the fume cupboard.

We are not, however, hanging up our lab coats just yet.

Why are we shutting Roller down?

We are shutting Roller Strategies down because we want to up our game.

The challenges we are facing as a society are unprecedented. If we cannot operate at the pace required, a pace set not by us but by trends and science, then we face catastrophic failure.

In starting Roller our goal was to shift from doing tactical work (like simply running workshops) to more focused strategic work. We succeeded in this.

We discovered, however, that even with full time teams working strategically on a focused challenge, the consulting game is way too slow, and way too small scale, to be effective at tackling complex challenges.

We do not believe, even at our most effective, the model of selling time to clients gets us close to the efficacy of response needed.

A strategy is only as effective as the culture that owns it. Yet as consultants working on complex challenges, we never had the explicit mandate to address our clients inner culture.

We concluded that there was no way to work at the scale and pace needed in order to effectively tackle complex challenges doing what we were doing.

We are not content to play the slow consulting game. We want to up the game. We are creating something new.

So,what’s next?

We’d like to introduce you to 10-in-10.

10-in-10 is a new type of organisation, a cross between a foundation, a marketplace and a university.

Our mission is to tackle ten global challenges in ten years.

We will achieve this through financing and training thousands of teams across the world.

Our teams will be drawn from multiple sectors, including communities most impacted by these challenges. They will deliver meaningful results at both a scale and a pace reflecting the reality of a world where every day counts.

The ten global challenges reflect the most pressing issues threatening our planet, people and opportunity.

These include; Climate Change, Water, Agriculture & Food, Gender Inequality, Youth Unemployment, Social Housing, Mental Health, Early Years (0-5), Structural Racism, & Artificial Intelligence.

Join Us.We need your help

We are working to launch our first funds,

The Women’s Entrepreneurship Fund will focus on the question of “How can we create safe, meaningful & creative livelihoods for women?”

The Gigatonne Fund will focus on the question of “How can we reduce global emissions by one billion tonnes of CO2e?”

Drop us an email if 10-in-10 strikes a chord with you. We need help and plenty of it.


In the spirit of celebrating and honouring our experiments, we invite you to raise a virtual glass….

We would like to thank all our past team members at Roller Strategies for their service.

We would like to thank all of our clients and partners for the privilege of working for them.

We would like to thank everyone else for being such kind and patient teachers to us.

We carry everything we have learnt with us into the next experiment.


If you want to keep updated on 10-in-10 news then please click here to sign up for announcements.